Our Journey at the TARL Bootcamp 2024


"Meeting people from other parts of Africa at the TaRL Bootcamp at KCB Leadership Center made me realize how we all share the same goal: to improve education in our countries. This touched my heart," said Faith Atieno, Learning and Partnerships Lead at Nyansapo AI.

On the first day of the TaRL Bootcamp, Faith introduced herself and Nyansapo AI, explaining our mission in the education sector. Alongside Kelvin Maruti, our Assistant Programs Coordinator, we joined representatives from various organizations across Africa for this intensive 10-day training.

The TaRL Bootcamp, conducted by TaRL Africa, is designed for people with different levels of experience with the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) method. This program aims to give participants the skills they need to run TaRL programs effectively, helping children learn basic reading and math skills.

Faith’s introduction set the tone for a collaborative and enriching experience. She shared our shared vision: "Our joint efforts to improve the reading and math skills of children in Africa will greatly benefit the continent. By teaching these foundational skills at a young age, we can drive significant progress."

Kevin Maruti echoed this sentiment during a discussion with an attendee about Nigeria's approach to improving foundational literacy: "The strides Nigeria is making show how effective targeted educational strategies can be. It’s inspiring to see the potential impact across different regions."

Throughout the bootcamp, we learned key parts of the TaRL method. We explored strategies to assess students' learning levels and tailored teaching methods to different stages. We started with local languages and moved to English in phases. The bootcamp also taught us how to keep students engaged and motivated, and how to use data to inform instruction and track progress, making sure each child's learning journey is personalized and effective.

The hands-on approach of the bootcamp allowed attendees to practice these strategies in group sessions, simulating real classroom environments. This practical application deepened our understanding and prepared us for implementation.

To effectively implement TaRL in our teaching practice, we have devised a plan. We will spend time with teachers and regularly visit classrooms, conducting a 20-day practice class to refine our methods. Providing specific, kind, and helpful feedback is crucial. We will also create a Mentorship Feedback Form to ensure continuous improvement. Our long-term program design will be developed in collaboration with the government, working closely with qualified teachers to achieve our goals. Regular baseline assessments will help tailor instruction to meet diverse learner needs, and we will continuously monitor student progress to adjust our teaching methods accordingly.

Currently, Faith and Kelvin are actively implementing the program in Mt. Elgon. This 20-day initiative will conclude with the issuance of certificates to participants, marking their successful completion of the training.

The TaRL Bootcamp by TaRL Africa has placed Nyansapo AI in a stronger position through capacity building. We have not only reinforced our knowledge of the TaRL approach but also learned new strategies to enhance our learning camps. The connections made and the insights gained during this bootcamp have empowered us to make a more significant impact on the educational landscape in Africa. Together, we are advancing foundational literacy and numeracy, one child at a time.

AI For Childen:Read,Count & Shine
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